Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Quizzes > Student Guides

Quizzes Help for Students

​Some instructors will provide students with feedback on completed quizzes. Feedback could take the form of written feedback from the instructor, access to questions answered incorrectly, or access to question answers. Check with the instructor to see what kinds of quiz feedback to look for in D2L.

Use these instructions to access quiz feedback on quizzes located in Content.

Use these instructions to access quiz feedback on quizzes not located in Content.

Quizzes Located in Content

  1. If the quiz is located in a module in Content within the course, select the name of the quiz to begin the process.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow next to the quiz name to release a menu.
  3. Select View Submissions.
  4. Select Attempt # to access the feedback for that quiz attempt. 

Quizzes Not Located in Content

  1. If the quiz is not located in Content within the course, select Quizzes in the navigation bar.

    Note: If "Quizzes" is not available in the navigation bar, select More to reveal more options.

  2. Select the name of the quiz.
  3. Select the dropdown arrow next to "Summary - Quiz Name" to release a menu.
  4. Select Submissions.
  5. Select Attempt # to access the feedback for that quiz attempt.

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Students can contact DePaul's Technology Support Center (TSC) if they need help using Quizzes in their D2L courses. Students can email (tsc@depaul.edu) or call 312-362-8765 the TSC ​.