Vincent on Leadership > Training > Training Options > Values-Centered Leadership Online Certificate Level II

Values-Centered Leadership Online Certificate Level II

Values-Centered Leadership Certificate II

​Level II Upcoming Sessions:

Please use the application link below to apply for next Level II session:​​

​Winter Quarter            January 13 - March 23, 2025           Deadline Extended to: 8 December 2024                    ​​​
Level II Application

Pre-requisite: Values-Centered Leadership I Certificate

This course is open to all participants who successfully completed the Level I course. Inspiration for this Level II course comes from the DePaul University motto: “I will show you the way of wisdom” (Proverbs 4:11) . What is wisdom? How do we as leaders find "the way" to greater wisdom to deal with the complex challenges we face in our organizations today?

Consistent with our experiential and integrative approach, you will have weekly opportunities to assess your own strengths and where you still need to grow in the areas covered. Each week also offers a “method practice” to help you put your learning into action and reflect on how that experience was helpful for you. 

Those who successfully engage in all elements of the course will receive a certificate of participation.

Overall, I appreciated that this course continued to focus on the values behind the work each of us does in our own work environments, which goes beyond basic "leadership development" and instead gets at the heart of how leaders can be successful by tapping into this important element. I think this is an important reminder for our current and future leaders as we develop our businesses/organizations sustainably and ethically.

 ​​- Anne WendelAssistant Director, Office of Volunteer Programs and Service Learning

​​​​​​​Sacred Heart University

Topics Include

  • Cultivating Wisdom as Leaders
  • Individual & Organizational Transformation
  • Transformational Servant Leadership
  • Introduction to Adaptive Leadership
  • Introduction to Systems Thinking
  • Forming & Leading Effective Teams
  • Commitment & Communal Decision-Making
  • Generational Views & Leadership Styles
  • Compassion & Forgiveness in Organizations


​​We are pleased to announce that in light of the high demand worldwide for this course, we began a partnership in Spring 2021​ with The Leaders Guild, an outreach of the Centre for Leadership and Management at Tangaza University College in Nairobi, Kenya. Members of The Leaders Guild coordinating team now are joining DePaul faculty and staff in serving as facilitators for the multiple online course workspaces required to meet the demand for participation. 

​CostFree to Non-profit Leaders. If you would like to make a donation to support us in offering this course, please use the "Donate Now" link below. Any amount will help. Thank you!

Weekly Schedule

Level II Application

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