Commencement > Ceremonies & Events > Cultural Celebrations

Cultural Celebrations

As the Class of 2025 makes plans to celebrate its commencement, DePaul's Cultural & Resource Centers also are preparing to celebrate Blue Demons this commencement season. These special events recognize the academic journey and involvement of students of various cultures and backgrounds. All graduating students who successfully complete their studies at DePaul are invited to participate. 

Founded to provide access to higher education for underserved immigrant communities in the city of Chicago, DePaul’s commitment to such equity and access has remained a common thread of our mission. These celebrations are in furtherance of DePaul’s Vincentian mission to compassionately uphold the dignity of all members of its diverse, multi-faith, and inclusive community. 

Black Cultural Center Graduation Celebration

This special event recognizes the academic journey and involvement of students of African descent. All graduating students who successfully complete their studies at DePaul are invited to participate. 

Date: Thursday, May 29, 2025 
Time: 7pm 
Location: Lincoln Park Student Center 120AB 
Link to RSVP: Will launch on April 15, 2025 

ELEVATE: APIDA Cultural Center Graduation Celebration

This special event recognizes the academic journey and involvement of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American students. All graduating students who successfully complete their studies at DePaul are invited to participate. 

Date: Sunday, June 1, 2025 
Time: 11am 
Location: Lincoln Park Student Center 120AB 
Link to RSVP: Will launch on April 15, 2025 

Latinx Cultural Center Graduation Celebration

This special event recognizes the academic journey and involvement of Latina/e/o/x descent. All graduating students who successfully complete their studies at DePaul are invited to participate. 

Date: Friday, May 30, 2025 
Time: 7pm 
Location: Lincoln Park Student Center 120AB 
Link to RSVP: Will launch on April 15, 2025 

Lavender: LGBTQIA+ Resource Center Graduation Celebration

This special event recognizes the academic journey and involvement of LGBTQIA+ graduating students. All graduating students who successfully complete their studies at DePaul are invited to participate. 

Date: Sunday, June 1, 2025 
Time: 5pm 
Location: Lincoln Park Student Center 120AB 
Link to RSVP: Will launch on April 15, 2025