Student Development is critical to the mission of the Steans Center and the curriculum of Community Service Studies. All of the programs at Steans are positioned to equip students with the knowledge and experience necessary to transform them into future leaders and socially-engaged citizens. This comes in part from the hands-on, real world approach of community-based service learning that students experience through coursework, training, workshops, and privilege/social justice reflections.
There are many opportunities at the Steans Center for students to get involved with community-based service learning. Discover the ways that you can become involved through paid service opportunities.
Interns develop a project in collaboration with a community organization that helps better their mission. Past projects have included documentaries, marketing materials, workshops, and research.
The Catholic School Internship (CSI) is a paid community service program that allows DePaul University students to work in K-12 urban Catholic schools to provide tutoring, mentoring and supplemental enrichment activities for Catholic school youth.
PSI consists of a team of DePaul tutor/mentors who receive scholarship funding to work in public schools. Tutors work to enhance elementary student learning through tutoring, mentoring, and supplemental enrichment activities and by supporting and building community-school partnerships.
The Community Partner Internship program (CPI) provides DePaul students the opportunity to gain work experience that combine professional development and community involvement.
Jumpstart is a national AmeriCorps program that trains DePaul students to deliver an innovative early education program via yearlong one-on-one relationships with preschool children from low-income households.
The CSS 395 course is designed to support junior and senior level students in gaining work experience reflective of their respective academic disciplines, while supporting a community-based organization in the city of Chicago.
The Merida Internship provides select students from the Winter term Merida Study Abroad Program with the opportunity to extend their stay into Spring term and attain a deeper understanding of how the global political economy impacts local communities in Merida.