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Join us for our first workshop in our Quiz Build Workshop Series. This first workshop will focus on the fundamentals of D2L Quizzes
This session will share various types of co-teaching opportunities that exist at DePaul.
Join us for our second workshop in our Quiz Build Workshop Series. This workshop will focus on securing your quizzes.
In this webinar, we’re going to help you look at your assignments through an AI-savvy lens.
The third workshop in our Quiz Build Workshop Series will focus on grading quizzes.
For our fourth and final workshop in our Quiz Build Workshop Series, we will be going over common questions in D2L.
Come discuss formal and informal methods of collecting student feedback and making mid-course adjustments.
In this fun session, we will take a deep dive into the Generative AI Art options available to faculty and students!
Each year, the Fall Forum helps kick off the academic year with a keynote presentation by an invited expert on teaching and learning. It's a great way to get re-energized for teaching and reconnect with colleagues.
The DePaul Teaching and Learning Conference has become an annual spring tradition when faculty and staff across the university convene to share their expertise with one another.