Teaching Commons > Programs > Global Learning Experience

Global Learning Experience

​​​​​​​​​ What is GLE?

The Global Learning Experience (GLE), DePaul University's virtual exchange program, is aimed at supporting you as an instructor to structure collaborative international learning experiences, facilitated by technology, between your students and students from international partner institutions. In this program, you connect with an international partner who teaches in a similar discipline, attend a professional development workshop facilitated by the Center for Teaching and Learning, develop a GLE project with concrete goals and deliverables, and implement it in one of your existing courses. GLE projects vary in scope and duration, but typically last between six and eight weeks. Funds to support GLE projects are available as part of the program.

A short (3 minutes) animation video explaining the basic concepts of Virtual Exchange. Produced by the EVOLVE project: https://evolve-erasmus.eu


A video (11 minutes) providing a brief overview of DePaul University's virtual exchange program, the Global Learning Experience (GLE) and how it fits into DePaul's overall framework of learning. This video also includes two concrete GLE project examples, and reviews what DePaul faculty receive  through their participation in this award-winning program. 


A GLE course can also satisfy one of the requirements for completion of the Global Fluency Certificate (for undergraduate students) and the Global Competency Certificate​ (for graduate students). 

Special events

2024: DePaul’s GLE program celebrated its 10-year anniversary with a special online event on May 10.  Our 10-year celebration video is available HERE. A special thanks goes out to all DePaul faculty, students, staff and all our international partners engaged in virtual exchange/COIL/GLE over the years, for being part of this award-winning program.

Yearly: International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC), the premier conference on virtual exchange. Learn more at www.iveconference.org.

map of gle projects

View Example Projects

DePaul’s current strategic plan, Grounded in Mission, recognizes the importance of GLE as one of the many tools to achieve our strategic priority 3: Excel in preparing all students for glob​​al citizenship and success. Traditional global mobility of students through study abroad involves only a small percentage of DePaul students; GLE adds the potential to reach a significantly larger portion of our student body, striving to prepare all students for global citizenship.