DePaul's Teaching and Learning Certificate Program (TLCP) supports the university's
strategic goal to enhance faculty teaching effectiveness and helps faculty continue to grow as transformative, mission-driven educators. The program begins with TLCP Foundations, a six-week course that covers the essentials of effective and inspired teaching at DePaul. Participants will learn how to:
- integrate DePaul’s mission into teaching practices
- align measurable course objectives with activities and instructional content
- employ fair and effective assessment strategies that improve learning
- use teaching strategies that promote active learning
- create learning environments that are inclusive, respectful, and productive
- encourage metacognition and reflection
The application for the Spring Teaching and Learning Certificate Program is now open and will close on March 10, 2025. Notifications of acceptance will be sent on March 24, 2025.
Participants who successfully complete the TLCP Foundations course will receive:
- a $400 stipend
- a certificate
- the opportunity to participate in a peer coaching program
- additional incentives and recognition for completing more advanced and specialized training beyond TLCP Foundations
How much time will it take to complete the course?
The schedule tables near the bottom of this page provide details on meeting dates and times for specific cohorts. Generally speaking, the time commitment and meeting requirements for every cohort are as follows:
- Participants should expect to invest 30-35 hours total over a period of six weeks.
- The training includes three required synchronous online meetings. Each meeting will be approximately 90 minutes.
- Each week, participants should expect to dedicate at least four hours to completing online readings and activities.
What are the participation and assignment requirements?
To receive credit and compensation for the course, participants must:
- Attend all synchronous meetings
- Complete weekly online readings, videos, quizzes, and discussions.
- Complete all assignments, including the development of a teaching philosophy aligned with DePaul’s mission.
Spring 2025 Schedule
The program will start when the D2L course opens on April 21st, 2025. Online work will continue each week until the program ends on June 6th, 2025.
April 21st, 2025
9:00 am
Course Opens in D2L
April 25th, 2025
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Online Meeting via Zoom
May 16th, 2025
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Online Meeting via Zoom
May 30th, 2025 |
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Online Meeting via Zoom
Apply for TLCPWho should I contact with questions?
For questions about TLCP Foundations or other faculty development programs and events at DePaul, email