Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Feedback & Grading > Submitting Grades

Submitting Official Course Grades

Official course grades must be submitted in Campus Connect. If you require assistance submitting course grades in Campus Connection, view the Office of the University Registrar'sĀ guide to submitting grades or send an email to URSupport@depaul.edu.

Faculty Guide

DePaul Grading Policies

Establishing Fair, Effective Grading Practices

One of the most important things we can do is to be explicit with our students about what grades mean in the class and how students earn them. Your syllabus should include specific descriptions of the criteria and methods to be used in evaluating academic performance. Many faculty find rubrics to be helpful means of evaluating students' learning.

Further Resources

Frisbie, D. A. and K. K. Waltman. "Developing a Personal Grading Plan" . National Council on Measurement in Education. Details how to create, justify, and carry out different evaluation methods.

Davis, B.G. (2009). "Testing and Grading." In Tools for Teaching (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. This book includes a helpful chapter on grading, offering strategies for minimizing student complaints about the process, making effective use of grading strategies, and evaluating your grading policies.

Grades in D2L

You can use D2L to store and calculate grades, create online quizzes, and more.

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