Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Inclusive Teaching > Being an Anti-Racist Educator

Being an Anti-Racist Educator

​​​​According to Ibram X. Kendi, in How to be an Anti-Racist, an antiracist is “one who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing an antiracist idea” (13). Being an anti-racist educator means developing or growing an anti-racist mindset and agenda, and using that to shape your teaching practices. 

Learn How to Be an Anti-Racist 

This guide contains suggestions to help you learn about and combat the systems that reinforce racism. The way that you enact an anti-racist agenda in your classes and on campus will depend on your subject matter and role at the University. These are some examples of how you might engage in anti-racist practices, adapted from Wheaton College’s Anti-Racist Pedagogy​ and Columbia University’s Anti-Racist Pedagogy In Action guides. 

Learn about how racism has shaped and shapes lives. Interrogate your role in White supremacy, and learn some ways to be an anti-racist.

Adopt inclusive teaching practices. 

Consider using trauma-informed pedagogy.

Identify changes that could be made at your department or unit level to advance an anti-racist agenda.

  • Read “Is Inclusion Even Possible?”, an article in which educators and administrators explore how institutions can improve their equity and inclusion.
  • Seek conferences and professional development opportunities with your peers that help you to advance your racial literacy and inclusive teaching practices.
  • Build student internship opportunities with organizations fighting against systemic racism.

Seek examples of anti-racist and inclusive teaching practices in your field and role. 

The following examples are more specific: 

  • DePaul faculty explain how to build an anti-racist stem lab.
  • Professors and STEM graduate students at University of California at Berkeley developed a toolkit for instructors that want to make their courses more antiracist and inclusive.
  • San Francisco State revised their biology lab activity in order to ground the curriculum in equity and inclusion. Read about that in “A Rapid Response to Racism in STEM” (2021). 

Joshua Meyer explores how athletics can be “a productive environment to engage white students, coaches and others in ways that help them become more aware of privilege and institutional racism.”

Felicia Rose Chavez, in The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop (2021), explains how to create and facilitate an anti-racist creative writing workshop. 


Aebersold, A. (2021). Antiracist Ped​agogy Reading List​

Baez, J.C., Marquart, M. S., Garay, K., & Chung, R. Y.E. (2020). Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning Online: Principles & Practices During a Global Health Crisis.

Brown University Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Effective 

Teaching is Anti-Racist Teaching. 

Burrus, L, et al. (2021). "A Rapid Response to Racism in STEM." Inside Higher Ed. 

Chavez, F. (2021). The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop. Haymarket Books. 

Chicago Public Library. (n.d.) Anti-Racist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi

Chronicle Staff. (2020). "'Is Inclusion Even Possible?’". Chronicle of Higher Education.

Crenshaw, K. (2016). The Urgency of Intersectionality. TED Talk.

DePaul University Library. (2021). Anti-Racism Lib Guide

DePaul University Newsroom. (2020). "Building an antiracist lab: Scientists offer steps to take action now."

Duvernay, A. & Moran, J. (2016) 13TH . USA.

Eddo-Lodge, R. (2020). About Race with Reni Eddo-Lodge​

Imad, M. (2020). "Leveraging the Neuroscience of Now." Inside Higher Ed. 

Kendi, I. (2019). How to be an Anti-Racist. One World. 

Learning Scientists for Racial Justice. (2020). "'Dear Professor': On Anti-Blackness and Learning." Inside Higher Ed. 

Meyer, J. (2020). "Why Coaching for Social Justice Matters." Inside Higher Ed.

Ritter, Z., & Raphael, V. (2020). "How to Challenge Systemic Racism." Inside Higher Ed.

Stanford University Center for Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity. (n.d.) RaceWorks Toolkit. 

Svinicki, M., Nicol, D., & McKeachie, W. (2014). McKeachie’s teaching tips : strategies, research, and theory for college and university teachers (Fourteenth edition.). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

University of Michigan Center for Research on Teaching & Learning. (n.d.) Overview of Inclusive Teaching at Michigan.

Wheaton College Center for Collaborative Teaching and Learning. (2020). Anti-Racist Pedagogy.

White, G. B. (2020). "How Did We Get Here?". The Atlantic.