A rubric is simply a scoring tool that identifies the various criteria relevant to an assignment or learning outcome, and then explicitly states the possible levels of achievement along a continuum (poor to excellent or novice to expert). Rubrics can be used to assess almost any type of student work, be it essays, final projects, oral presentations, or theatrical performances. They can be used at the time an assignment is given to communicate expectations to students, when student work is evaluated for fair and efficient grading, and to even assess a program by determining the extent to which students are achieving departmental learning outcomes. The focus of this introduction is on rubrics for assessing student learning, however, the same principles can be used for departmental- or program-level evaluation.
The characteristics of analytic, developmental, and holistic rubrics are discussed, with attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Learn how to create analytic and holistic rubrics with step-by-step instructions.
Both before and after using a rubric, evaluate it to determine if it is the most appropriate tool for the assessment
Browse examples of rubrics by topic, from applied learning to quantitative literacy.
Some tips on assessing reflection.
Designing Rubrics Workshop
Watch a video recording of the "Designing Rubrics" workshop presented at DePaul University by an expert in the design and use of rubrics, Ranfen Li from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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