Career Center > Jobs & Internships > On-Campus Jobs

Student Employment: On-Campus Jobs

Find an on-campus job

Gain experience on campus

An on–campus job offers more than just a paycheck and short commute. It’s an opportunity to build professional and interpersonal skills, and gain experience that will prepare you for your future career. As with any other job search, landing an on–campus job is a competitive process.

How to find an on-campus job

  1. Search the Campus Job Board - all on-campus jobs are posted on the Office of Student Employment's the Campus Job Board at or
  2. Cast a wide net - Like many jobs that are in high demand, it’s a numbers game. Apply to as many as seem to fit your needs, abilities, and availability. Just make sure to take the time to understand the jobs you’re applying for and tailor your application accordingly!
  3. Follow up - Some job postings on Campus Job Board will include the hiring manager’s contact information. If it does, send an email with
    your resume and cover letter after you apply. Reaching out to express your interest may set you apart from other candidates.
  4. Be professional - This may seem obvious, but many on-campus job applicants make the mistake of under-dressing for the interview or approaching it too informally. Do your research and prepare. Dress professionally. Be on time. Shake the interviewer’s hand and make eye contact.
Need assistance? Contact the Office of Student Employment.

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