We're reserving time on our schedule for you! If booking an appointment on Handshake isn't convenient for you, join us for our virtual seniors and graduating students only drop-in hours!
Our career coaches will be available to connect with you via Zoom between 10am and 1pm on Fridays during Spring Quarter. During these 15 minute drop in conversations, our coaches will help you devise a plan for next steps and connect you with the resources you need to move your search forward - no matter where you are in the process!
Priority Coaching Hours for Graduating Students
When: MOST Fridays, April 4 - June 6, 10am - 1pm*
Where: Join one of our coaches via this Zoom link during the days and times noted above.
Please note that you may be initially added to a waiting room if the coach is currently working with another student. You will be admitted to the Zoom room once the coach is free to meet with you.
*Please note that the university will be closed in observance of Good Friday on Friday, April 18. Priority coaching will not be available that day.
*Please also note that this service will not be available on Friday, May 2 as we will be hosting the first of our 3 planned Job Search Accelerators at that time. We hope you will plan to join us for that event!