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Future Forward


Explore Your Interests. Build Community. Develop Career Readiness.


What is Future Forward?

Future Forward is a year-long scholarship program for first-year students to explore their career goals and develop career readiness skills. The program engages students in meaningful career exploration, fosters connection with other DePaul students and staff, and helps prepare students for their next step.

Why Should I Join Future Forward?

Future Forward’s unique program structure is designed to be flexible to benefit busy students who have different career interests. It is designed for all first-year students, whether you know what career path you are interested in, or you're still exploring.

The program combines:

  • Career exploration-based modules that cover topics like skills and strengths, identifying and sharing your professional brand, resume tips, creating professional connections, professionalism, understanding transferable skills, work-life balance, and more

  • Interactive career experiences that challenge you to explore your interests and goals in a hands-on approach

  • Online and in-person community building through the program's social media platform, FutureFeed, as well as optional program social events like game nights, trivia, trips to the Lincoln Park Zoo (all hosted by the program's student Peer Mentors)

In addition to learning outcomes, by completing all program requirements, students will receive a $3,000 Future Forward Tuition Scholarship (disbursed in $1,000/quarter increments) their sophomore year.

How Can I Join Future Forward?

To be eligible for the program, students must apply to DePaul for admission by the November 15 early application deadline and submit their FAFSA by February 1. The selected student cohort is chosen by the admissions team, and award offers will be sent out via email in February. Questions? Please contact the Office of Admission (312)362-8000 or

I Received a Program Offer. What's Next?

If you've received an offer, we're thrilled that you're here! There is nothing incoming students need to prepare or complete before the school year begins. Keep a close eye on your email address. We will be reaching out by the end of August to share introductory program information for all incoming first-year Future Forward students. If you have questions in the mean time, feel free to reach out to us at