Communication Skills |
Speak clearly to convey messages in a calm and focused way.
Articulate thoughts, ideas and messages in order to educate, influence or persuade.
Convey ideas and messages in writing with clarity, free of grammatical errors.
Keep an open mind and actively listen in order to gain understanding. |
Oral presentation or performance, in which you must summarize, organize, persuade, relay and receive information.
Class discussions in which you must express your thoughts/feelings in an appropriate and articulate manner. |
Paper in which you have to make an argument and assemble evidence in support of it. |
Demonstrate your reflection and feedback, showing understanding of a proposal or instructions. |
Writing assignments in which you discover, examine, and test your ideas about readings, class discussions and lectures. |
Creativity and Innovation |
Combine knowledge from different areas to produce unique ideas or solutions.
Use imagination, visualization, design, aesthetic, social and literary talents.
Properly define a problem or potential design opportunity through the use of research, interviews and observations. Generate creative ideas through brainstorming. |
Proposal for a different approach and/or an improvement to a problem.
New product, policy or process (or an enhancement of these) you must develop. |
Marketing or promotional materials you must develop. |
Creatively-design an impressive e-portfolio, containing artifacts that represent your skills and accomplishments. |
Influence/persuade |
Persuade or induce someone to follow a course of action or acceptance of something.
Proactively shift the thinking, actions, and even the emotional state of other people. |
Demonstrate your abilities to build trust: making people feel uniquely special, offering lots of information, telling a story, making realistic promises and providing a high level of service. |
Multicultural Competence |
View the world from other’s perspectives by listening, observing and using patience and perseverance.
Respect and value other cultures, while withholding judgement.
View differences as a learning opportunity Develop a tolerance for ambiguity. |
Study abroad, service-learning or internship experience, during which you learn about another culture.
Write-up about how you strengthened a team because you understand differences. |
Mastery of an additional language. |
Paper which demonstrates knowledge about a cultural group other than the your own. |