Career Center > Resumes & Interviews > Interviews > Sample Interview Questions

Sample Interview Questions

Prepare for your next big interview

Tell me about yourself.

Why did you choose to attend DePaul University?

Why did you decide to major in… ____________?

What do you know about this company and what interests you the most?

Why did you leave your last job?

What are your short-term/long-term goals? How will you benefit by achieving them? What plans have you made to achieve them?

Tell me about three of your best accomplishments.

What are your greatest strengths/skills?

Why are you interested in this particular job?

What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?

What do you think you can do for us that someone else can’t do just as well?

What qualities should a successful manager possess?

What else do you think I should know about you?

What would you like to know about our company?

Why should I hire you?

What are some of your weaknesses?

How would a friend describe you?

Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?

In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?

What have you learned from your mistakes?​

​​Tell me about your current employment. Why are you leaving?

How did you obtain your last position?

What did you like most/least about the job?​

What were your responsibilities in your last job?

How has your career growth been representative of your ability?

Have you ever made any suggestions to top management? If so, what were they?

Have you ever fired anyone? What were the circumstances?

In what kind of environment are you most comfortable?​​
