Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > D2L Essentials Training

D2L Essentials Training

​Welcome to D2L Essentials training. The tutorials found here provide an introduction to the key features of Desire2Learn, DePaul’s learning management system. If you’re new to D2L or just need a refresher on some of its most commonly used features, you’ve come to the right place.

Most faculty find it helpful to begin with the “Course Setup” page found near the top of the navigation menu on the left and continue through each of the remaining pages in order. Each page will walk you through a brief series of best practices and provide links to guides and tutorials on that topic. At the bottom of each page, you'll find a list of one or more short tasks that you can complete to test your understanding of the concepts covered on that page.

How long does D2L Essentials training take to complete?

Faculty with no previous D2L experience should be able to complete all of the tasks in D2L Essentials training in 3 to 6 hours. 

What topics does D2L Essentials training cover?

By completing D2L Essentials training, you will learn how to:

  • Post a news announcement on your course homepage
  • Create a module
  • Upload a file to a module
  • Create a discussion forum and topic
  • Create a submission folder
  • Create a grade item
  • Set an end date on a submission folder
  • Set a lock date on a discussion

D2L Essentials training also provides a brief introduction to features that can help you monitor student use of your course materials in D2L.

What if I don’t have a course in D2L?

If you don’t have a course in D2L that you can use to complete the hands-on tasks in the tutorials, a staff member from the instructional technology team can create a practice course for you. We call these practice spaces “sandboxes.” To request a sandbox, please complete the course creation request form and put “D2L Essentials Sandbox” in the Course Name box. Feel free to leave the Notes field blank. A staff member will respond (typically within one business day) to let you know your sandbox has been created.

Who should I contact with questions?

If you have any questions about D2L Essentials training, you can email d2l@depaul.edu.

How can I get proof that I completed these tutorials? (Optional)

Once you’ve completed all of the hands-on tasks at the bottom of each page, you can complete the D2L Essentials Training Verification Form. A staff member will review your course and notify you if you’ve successfully completed all of the tasks. You can also indicate in the form if you would like your department chair or another administrator to be notified that you have met the D2L Essentials training requirements.

Please note that there are no required hands-on tasks for the final page, “Monitoring Student Progress.” These resources are simply included here for your benefit, and many faculty have found them to be valuable as they begin usin​g D2L.