Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > D2L Quickstart Guide

D2L Quickstart Guide

​This quickstart guide will walk you through some of the key starting processes for your D2L course. If you would like a more detailed overview of D2L and its tools, our D2L Essentials training provides more in-depth explanations for D2L processes and best practices.

Navigating to D2L

Log into D2L using your DePaul Blue Key credentials: https://d2l.depaul.edu/.

If you are not able to access D2L, it is most likely because you have not been assigned a course in Campus Connect. Check Campus Connect to see if you have been assigned to a course. If you have not, you will need to reach out to your department scheduler about your course assignment(s).

If you have been assigned a course and still can’t login, email helpdesk@depaul.edu.

Your D2L homepage will list all courses you’ve been assigned. These courses can be organized by term.

screenshot of the depaul d2l homepage showcasing a course

When you click on your course, you will see the navigation bar, or NavBar, near the top of the screen. Click on Content. This is where you will post all the materials your students will read, watch, or listen to and all the activities you have planned.

screenshot of the depaul d2l navbar showcasing the content button

You first need to create a module to which you will add content.

  1. Select the "Add a module…" box.
  2. Enter a name for the module in the input-text box (i.e. module 1, week 1, course information, etc.)
  3. Hit return (or enter) on the keyboard.
screenshot of the d2l content area showcasing the add a module button

DePaul requires at least a syllabus to be uploaded to your D2L course site. Use the blue upload/create bottom to add content such as your syllabus.

screenshot of the d2l content area showcasing the upload file button

The News tool in D2L allows instructors to communicate updates, changes, and new information to students. News items appear in the News widget on the Course Homepage, the first page that students see when they enter the course. A quick welcome message is recommended.

  1. From the Course Homepage, go to the News widget.
  2. Select Create Announcement.
  3. Enter a title in the "Headline" field.
  4. Enter the text of the news item in the "Content" field.
  5. Set a ‘start date’ if you want to delay when the announcement/news item will be published.
screenshot of a d2l course home page showcasing the news area

Your classlist shows all students currently enrolled in your course. In your course NavBar, click ‘Classlist.’ You can email the entire classlist at once from this tool. Any emails sent from the classlist will appear as being sent from your DePaul email. Any replies from students will be sent directly to your DePaul email account.

screenshot of the email classlist button

DePaul requires all instructor-student communication to happen through DePaul Outlook accounts.

By default, your course is inactive, and therefore not visible to your students until you activate it. We recommend activating your course on the first day of term at the latest.

screenshot of the course activation interface showcasing the buttons


  • D2L Guides: Read about how to setup and use the many tools and capabilities within D2L.
  • D2L Support Appointment: If you’d like a little extra support setting up your D2L course site, consider making an appointment with one of our technology consultants.
  • D2L FAQ: A list of commons questions regarding D2L including helpful links to further resources.
  • D2L Essentials Training: If you have some extra time, consider completing our D2L essentials training. This training provides more in-depth information and hands on practice with other various D2L tools and capabilities.
  • Learning Experience Designers: If it’s your first time teaching a course and you’re looking for advice or feedback about course goals, assignment designs, activity design, etc.m consider contacting your Learning Experience Designer (LXD). The link provides a chart of which LXD is assigned to which college.