Desire2Learn (D2L) is DePaul's learning management system. It allows faculty to share resources, collect
assignments, and provide feedback to the students in their courses.
This section provides a quick overview of the most important processes for getting started in D2L.
This training guides you through the essential tasks for using D2L as an instructor. It provides more in-depth explanations of best practices for course setup.
We've created a list of common questions we receive in our office. You can use this list as a point of reference to find specific instructions for D2L tools. This list also contains some common issues we see, as well as solutions to those problems.
D2L has many features that can help you better engage with your students, and we've created guides that outline how to use them.
Classlist: View the students enrolled in your course, add a teaching assistant to your course, and communicate with students via email.
Content: Share all of your course materials, including documents, videos, links, and other resources.
Course Home: Design a custom landing page for your course site, add news items to it, and set up a course calendar that displays important dates.
Discussions: Create discussion forums in which students can discuss topics related to the course, collaborate on assignments, and share their work.
Grades: Set up a grade book that is connected to assignments in your course site and allow students to track their scores.
Groups : Organize students in groups in your course, then set up group-restricted dropboxes and discussions.
Panopto: Record, host, and share audio and video files.
Quizzes: Create quizzes that can be taken online by students and graded within D2L.
Submissions: Collect assignments from students and provide feedback online.
VoiceThread: Host an audio-based discussion board or have students create presentations that use images, audio, video and text as part of an assignment.
Zoom: Host virtual meetings with your entire class or host one-on-one meetings with your students.
More Tools: Many other features of D2L that enable you to build a flexible, collaborative learning experience.

D2L Tutorials for Students
Looking for D2L guides for students? The materials listed on the Teaching Commons provide information for faculty. You can access the student guides using the link below:
View Student GuidesLMS Access Guidelines
View the guidelines concerning administrative access to DePaul's learning management system (LMS).
View GuidelinesD2L Updates
Available to DePaul faculty, this course site shares updates to D2L workflows.
Learn More
Request Help with D2L
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is your main source of contact for help with using D2L. We provide training and help troubleshoot issues in course sites.
We also assist faculty who want to integrate technology into their courses and partner with them to design fully online, flex, hybrid, and face-to-face classes.
Meet with Us
Meet with a member of our staff for training. We are available at both the Loop and Lincoln Park campuses, or you can meet with us virtually. Meetings can be requested through our online scheduling system.
Make an Appointment