Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > More Technology Tools

More Technology Tools

  • Surveys and Polls

    Surveys and Polls

    ​​​D​e​Paul provides tools to survey your students or for your students to create professional-grade surveys of their own.​​
  • Blogs


    A blog where students write about their course readings, discussions, lectures, and other assignments is a powerful way to not only engage students in the subject matter but create an authentic community of learners.
  • Wikis


    Wikis are websites that allows users to collaborate by creating, editing, deleting, and publishing content.
  • Games & Simulations

    Games & Simulations

    Incorporating games and simulations into courses can provide many learning benefits.
  • Study Aids

    Study Aids

    ​Tools to help your students learn and retain information.
  • Collaborative Documents

    Collaborative Documents

    ​​These cloud-based apps allow students to collaborate in realtime with one another.