When you encounter a problem with SharePoint you can try troubleshooting it with this guide, or see if it is in our list of
frequently asked questions. If the issue is not listed here or if you continue to encounter it,
contact the Help Desk.
Basic troubleshooting
Do the following things to begin troubleshooting an issue on your own.
Check the browser you are using. If you're not using Chrome or Firefox, Save & Close and Check In the page you are working on (or Discard Checkout if you do not want to save your changes), close the browser you are using and then open the page in either Chrome or Firefox (note you will need to log in again). Always keep your browsers up to date with regular updates.
- If the issue persists,
contact the Help Desk and mention all of the broswers you have tested the issue in.
- Note any web parts or layouts that the page has when the issue occurred.
- Take a screenshot and include the URL of the page when reporting an issue via
the Help Desk.
Note site you are in and the path you took to get there. It may be a permissions issue (see below) or you may have left your site via a link or redirect and may not be able to edit this site.
Make sure you are logged in. Look in the upper right corner of the screen - is your name there? Look in the upper left - does it say "Site Actions"? If not, scroll to the bottom right and click Editor Login.
If you cannot edit a page:
If you are trying to edit a page, but cannot get to the edit view, you may be experiencing one or more of the following things:
You might not be logged in - Do you see your name in the top right corner of the page and the words Site Actions in the top left? If not, you need to log in to SharePoint by clicking Editor Login in the bottom right corner of the page. See more
You may not have permissions to edit that site or page - If you try logging in, but even after entering your Campus Connect credentials do not see your name in the top right corner of the page and the words Site Actions in the top left corner, you might not have editor permissions. Contact your supervisor.
The ribbon might be hidden - If you do not see the ribbon, but you do see Site Actions in the top left corner, click on Site Actions and select "Show Ribbon" or click "Edit Page" directly from the Site Actions dropdown menu.
Someone else has the page Checked Out to them - You may not be able to edit a page if someone else has it checked out to them (whether they are currently editing it or just forgot to check the page back in). The yellow status bar will say "This page is being edited and is checked out to [name]" - you can contact that person and ask them to check it back in when they are done. Learn more about what these terms mean
here and see instructions for checking in a page
Your browser is not compatible - If you try to click in the main content area, but nothing happens it may be because you're using a version of Internet Explorer that is not compatible with SharePoint. Try using Firefox or Chrome.
If a document linked to on a page is requiring site visitors to log in:
If you click on a Word document that you inserted on a live page (the page is published) and it asks you to authenticate by logging in through Campus Connect again, is the document stored at the root of the site?
If the document does not live at the root of the site (the very top-level of the site, in it main documents folder) it will automatically require Campus Connect authentication. You will need to upload the document to the root of the site by going to your site's home page and following the
instructions for uploading a document, and then re-link to it on the page. Make sure the page is published and it will no longer require authentication.