SharePoint Responsive > Navigation

Navigating SharePoint at DePaul

DePaul’s websites vary greatly in size, complexity and purpose, and as a result, there is no one organizational method that can be implemented across all sites. Despite this variance, we aim to maintain cohesion in how we organize common types of information and how we label similar types of content.

When users look for information, they have are trying to achieve a purpose or goal. Our organization and navigational tools are the best aids we can provide them to find the information they seek.

Basic Elements of Navigation

Top navigation or global navigation is persistent throughout your website. It is always located across the top of the page, just below the header and logo.

On interior pages of a website, left navigation or local navigation is provided on the top left of the page and reflects the pages located within the section you’ve selected.

Breadcrumb trails are located just below the top navigation and are a series of links that describe where you are in the context of a website. The breadcrumb trail traces your path back to the root or home page of the site.

Learn more about the differences between subsites and pages, elements of navigation, levels of navigation and navigation standards.
