If a Staff Bio Content List has already been configured for you with a Tabular2 Web Part on a page, the information below provides some context and quick tips.
The List usually has the following fields:
- Name
- JobTitle
- ImageURL
- Order
- Department
- Phone
- Email
These are adjustable, but a standard bio grid will have some or all of these things. Most of the time the staff do not have their own pages, so we don't include a link to a bio, but we can if they do - in which case another field in the List will be BioURL. You will only copy the relative part of the URL (everything after ".edu") and paste it into the corresponding field in the List.
Tips: Images should be
sized to exactly 255px by 300px. You will upload the images to the subsite's images folder
before populating the list and will copy just the relative part of the image URL.
As with other content lists that use Tabular2, you do not need to edit the page that contains the web part - you will control the content that appears there by editing the List via Site Actions > View All Site Content.
If a Tabular2 Web Part exists in your site and you need assistance editing the content or have questions after reviewing these pages, feel free to email
webcomadmins@depaul.edu and/or
contact the Help Desk.