Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Classlist > Adding a Teaching Assistant

Adding a Teaching Assistant in D2L

Teaching assistants in D2L have the same permissions as instructors. When adding a teaching assistant to a class, keep in mind the following:

  • Instructors can add a teaching assistant to their class, but they cannot remove one. To remove a teaching assistant, complete the Remove User request form.
  • The CDM Grader role is identical to Teaching Assistant, but is invisible to students and instructors in the Classlist.
  • Use the Add User request form to request for a user to be added to a course as a Teaching Assistant or another role.

Add a Teaching Assistant to the Classlist

  1. Go to Classlist. 
  2. Select the Add Participants button.
  3. Choose Add Existing Users from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter the ID number of the user to add to the course
  5. Select the magnifying glass icon to search for the user.
  6. Select the checkbox next to the name of the user.
  7. Choose Teaching Assistant from the "Select Role" dropdown menu.
  8. Choose the section from the "Select Section" menu. If there is more than one section within the course, enrolling a user in one section will allow them access to all sections of the course.
  9. Select Enroll Selected Users.
  10. Select the Done button.