Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Submissions > Managing Submission Folder Access

Managing Student Access to Submission Folders

Instructors can set due dates and/or availability dates on a Submission folder. Due dates show up in the Course Calendar, but they do not affect the accessibility or availability of the folder. To restrict student access to folders using dates, use availability dates.

Availability Date Restriction Options

There are three options for setting availability date restrictions on a submission folder:

  • Visible with access restricted: This setting affects the ability for students to see the submission folder. Students will see that the submission folder exists and will be able to read its title, but they will not see its description or submit work outside of the window.
  • Visible with submission restricted: This setting will restrict students from submitting work to a folder outside of the date window set. After the End date, students will still see the description on the folder.
  • Hidden: This setting will restrict students from seeing the submission folder in its entirety. Students will also not see the calendar event.

Access to Submission folders can also be managed and assigned individually (e.g. if a student requires additional time or early access). To manage access individually, see Special Access to Submission Folders.

Set Availability Dates on Submission Folders

  1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the Submission folder. 
  2. Select Edit Folder
  3. The "Edit Folder" page will open. Select the Availability Dates & Conditions tab. 
  4. On the page that opens, select the Availability Dates and Conditions tab.
  5. To add a Start Date:
    1. Select the calendar icon or type directly into the text box [A].
    2. Select the type of date restriction to be applied "Before start" [B]. See the list of date restriction options for more information.
      screenshot of the submissions creation interface with the availability dates tab expanded
    3. Select the Add availability dates to calendar checkbox to display the date in the course calendar (See Calendar for more information).
  6. To add an End Date:
    1. Select the calendar icon or type directly into the text box [A].
    2. Select the type of date restriction to be applied "After end" [B]. See the list of date restriction options for more information.
      screenshot of the submission folder creation interface with the availability dates tab expanded
    3. Select the Add availability dates to calendar checkbox to display the date in the course calendar (See Calendar for more information).
  7. Once complete, select Save and Close.

Set a Due Date on a Submission Folder

Due dates display in the Course Calendar, but they do not affect the accessibility or availability of the folder. Students can submit work to a submission folder after a due date, up until an End availability date, if one is set.

  1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the Submission folder. 
  2. Select Edit Folder
  3. Under "Due Date", select the calendar icon or type directly into the text box.
  4. Select the time and date to display for the Due Date.
  5. When finished, select Save and Close.

Hide Submission Folders

  1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the Submission folder [A]. 
  2. Select Hide From Users [B].
    dropdown menu for submission folder

Make Submission Folders Visible

  1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the Submission folder [A]. 
  2. Select Make Visible to Users [B].
    dropdown menu for submission folder

Add Special Access to Submission Folders

Special access allows instructors to set different availability dates and times for specific users.

  1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the Submission folder
  2. Select Edit Folder.
  3. The Edit Folder page will open. Select the Availability Dates & Conditions tab. 
  4. Select Manage Special Access.
  5. A new page will open. By default, the radio button to "Allow users with special access to submit outside the normal availability dates" will be selected. However, there is also an option to "Allow only users with special access to see this folder."
  6. Select Add Users to Special Access.
  7. A new window will open. To assign a Due date, Start date, or End date, select the checkbox corresponding to the date, then set the date.
  8. Under "Users" select the checkbox next to the student(s) to add to Special Access.
  9. Select Save.
  10. The student(s) will now appear on the "Manage Special Access" page. Select Save and Close.


Submissions can be checked against a database of internet sources, academic journals and publications, and student papers through Turnitin by enabling Originality Checking on Submission folders. See Using Originality Checking for more information.