Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Course Home

Course Home Overview

Course Home is the first page that users see when visiting a D2L course site. The Course Home can be used to share important information with students, including news updates and upcoming due dates.

The Course Home page is comprised of boxes of content called widgets. Some departments may designate that specific widgets be added to the Course Home page, or even a specific layout, but most course sites will simply display the university-wide default widgets, which include News, Updates, and Calendar widgets.

Course Home Guides

Course Home FAQs

Yes. This will require creating a custom widget to be added to the Course Home page. View Managing Widgets for more information.

Yes. While Due, Start, and End dates can automatically transfer to the course calendar, events can be created in the calendar for any activities that are not linked to a part of the D2L course site. View Adding Calendar Events for more information.

Yes, insert any image into a news item. That image will be shown in the preview instead of the default image. See Managing Images in News Items for more information and a downloadable set of icons to use in news items. 

The Work to Do widget on the D2L homepage is unique to each student. It displays a summary of upcoming or overdue learning activities, across a student's enrolled courses, that instructors have set with Due Dates or End Dates in D2L.