Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Quizzes > Correcting Scores For Revised Quizzes

Correcting Scores For Revised Quizzes

Quiz questions can be revised as needed. If students have already taken a Quiz after it has been revised, and that revision would affect how they scored, those attempts will need to be regraded.

Revise the Quiz Question

Before quiz grades can be updated, the quiz question should be revised as needed.

  1. Navigate to Quizzes.
  2. Select the name of the quiz to be edited.
  3. Under the "Questions" heading, select the question to edit.
  4. Make the necessary edits to the question.
  5. When finished, select Save.
  6. Select Save and Close.

Regrade the Quiz Question

After the quiz question has been revised, the attempts for the quiz can be regraded.

Note: These directions will work for true/false and multiple choice question types. Other types of questions will need to be manually re-graded.

  1. Navigate to Quizzes.
  2. Select the dropdown arrow next to the quiz to be revised.
  3. Select Grade.
  4. Select the Questions tab [A].
    questions tab
  5. Select the Update All Attempts radio button.
  6. Scroll down to the heading "Questions that are not in the quiz anymore." 
  7. Locate and select the question that was modified.
  8. A new page will open. Under the “Grading Type” list, select the radio button for the "Give to attempts with answer" option [A].
    give to all attempts with answer button
  9. From the dropdown menu, select the number corresponding to the answer option that was incorrectly marked as correct.
  10. Enter 0 in the “points” text box.
  11. Select Save.
  12. A confirmation popup will open. Select Yes.
  13. Repeat the selection of the radio button for the "Give to attempts with answer" option.
  14. From the dropdown menu, select the number corresponding to the answer option that is now correct.
  15. Enter the point value for that question in the “points” text box.
  16. Select Save when complete.
  17. The confirmation will open again. Select Yes.
  18. Select Go Back to Questions.
  19. Select the Users tab.
  20. Select the checkbox [A] to select all users.
  21. Select Publish Feedback [B].
    publish feedback
  22. The​ grades for the quiz will updated.