Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Content > Creating Pages

Creating Pages in Content

​Use the D2L HTML editor to create a new​ page within the Content of a course. The page can contain text, links, images, and embedded video. The page can also support interactive elements with the Insert Element option. Templates for creating pages are also available.

A module must be created first before creating a new page. See Creating a Module for more information.

Creating a New Page

Without downloading and setting up the HTML Templates, instructors can create new pages that are supported by the HTML editor and have basic functions for editing the look of text. Images can also be used, and videos from Panopto can be embedded (See Embedding Panopto Videos for more information).

  1. Go to the module where the new page will be added.
  2. Select Upload/Create.  
  3. A dropdown menu will appear. From the dropdown menu select Create a Page. 
  4. In the Create a Page area, enter a title in the top textbox.
  5. Enter content in the main textbox. (See the HTML Editor Guide for more information.)
  6. Select  Save and Close.

Use Creator+ Templates

D2L offers templates for creating new pages in Content. These templates provide structure and organizational elements which instructors can modify and add to as needed.

  1. Once a new page has been created, select Select a Document Template [A].
  2. From the dropdown menu, select the template to be used [B].
    screenshot of the create a page area
  3. Once selected, the template will appear in the HTML Editor. Add text and images as needed.
  4. Once finished, select Save and Close.

Use Insert Element

Insert Element is launched from the HTML editor when creating a page in the Content area of a D2L site. For information on creating a page in Content, see Creating a Page.

  1. Within the HTML Editor, select the plus sign [A].
  2. Select Insert Element [B].
    screenshot of the html editor with a label on the plus sign
  3. Select the type of element to insert.

    Note: For descriptions of individual elements and how they display information, see Types of Elements.

  4. Input text and/or media.
  5. Select Preview.
  6. Review the element. When finished, select Insert.
  7. Select Save and Close.

Types of Elements


An interactive list of topics stacked vertically, each of which can be released to reveal more information when selected. Accordions can be unnumbered [A] or numbered [B].

screenshot of an example of the accordion element


An interactive table for organizing information into parts or presenting steps in a process. The tab element can be structured horizontally [A] or vertically [B].

screenshot of an example of the tabs element

Click and Reveal

A card that poses a question or presents content along with a link to click for more information [A]. Click and reveal elements can be accompanied with a question mark icon if posing a question [B].

screenshot of an example of the click and reveal element


An aside or segment of content separated in a box. Used to insert content that is related to but not a direct part of the main content. A callout can be just text [A], include a question icon [B], include an attention icon [C], or be formatted as a “jumbo” callout to emphasize information [D].

screenshot of an example of the callout element
screenshot of an example of the callout element


A list of steps presented in boxes from earliest to latest. A standard timeline will have all steps aligned on the left [A]. An alternating timeline will display steps on alternating sides of the center line [B].

screenshot of an example of the timeline element
screenshot of an example of the timeline element

Stylized Quote

Formats a segment of text into a blockquote. The stylized quote element has a standard form [A] and a large focus form [B].

screenshot of an example of the stylized quote element

Flip Cards

An interactive set of content boxes that allows learners to create associations between paired content items. Once clicked, each box will flip to reveal related content on the other side.

gif of an example of the flip card element


A slideshow of text and/or images with navigation controls for learners to move forward or backward.

gif of an example of the carousel element


When a new page is created, it will always appear as the very last topic in a module. To reorganize the content area view Reordering Modules and Topics for more informati​on.