Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Panopto > Using Panopto for Student Presentations > Accepting Video Files as Submissions

Accepting Video Files as Submissions

​If students are required to make a video for an assignment, they can submit the video to a Submission folder in D2L. Submission folders can be connected to grade items and rubrics for assessment. Having students submit their videos to a Submission folder means that the assignment can be evaluated directly in D2L with no download requirement. 

  1. From the course navigation bar, select Submissions.
  2. Create a new submission folder (See Creating Submission Folders for directions) or select the dropdown arrow next to the existing Submission folder to be set for video submissions.
  3. Select Edit Folder.
  4. From the “Submission Type” dropdown menu, select Text Submission.
  5. Note: Selecting this option means that students will not be able to submit a Word document or PDF.

  6. Select Save and Close.


Use the Panopto Student Guide​ to provide students with instructions for uploading video files and to learn more about how students will interact with Panopto in the course.

Create a grade item for the Submission folder using the information in Creating a Grade Item. Then, associate the grade item with the Submission folder. See Creating Submission Folders for more information.​