Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Panopto > Viewing Playback Statistics

Viewing Playback Statistics

  1. Select Edit Course from the course navigation bar.
  2. Select Panopto from the dropdown menu.
  3. Locate the video and hover over the title until icons appear.
  4. Select the three dots [A].
  5. Select Stats [B].
    screenshot of the panopto home page with the more actions menu released
  6. The statistics page will appear. Select the time period (e.g. Last 30 days, anytime, etc.) from which to view statistics from the dropdown menu [A].
    dropdown menu for selecting date range
  7. Use the boxes under "Session Dashboard" to view numbers for overall views, viewers, and completion.
  8. Use the information graphics to view and downloads by day, viewer engagement by time stamp, and top viewers based on view count and completion.
  9. (Optional) Select the download icon on any information graphic [A] or the links under "Download Reports" to view data in a CSV file.
    viewer statistics download icon