Teaching Commons > Teaching Guides > Technology > Desire2Learn > Tools > Panopto > Using Panopto for Student Presentations

Using Panopto for Student Presentations

If instructors want to use Panopto as a platform for facilitating video assignments, like student presentations, there are a few steps to take in order to prepare the D2L course and students.

There are two options for using Panopto to facilitate the submission of student videos, and the setup required will depend upon the option chosen.

Option 1: Choose this option if students will view (and comment on) videos from classmates.

Option 2: Choose this option the instructor will be the only one viewing the student videos.

Option 1: Students Share Videos with the Class

  1. Create a D2L discussion.

  2. Students should access Panopto through the D2L Discussion tool. Students navigate through a D2L discussion topic to access Panopto and upload content to their Panopto "My Folder". Students also use the D2L discussion topic to share and comment on other student videos.

  3. Provide students with instructions.

  4. Students will need instructions for using Panopto Capture or downloading the Panopto recorder, recording their video, uploading their video to "My Folder" in Panopto, and adding their video within the D2L discussion. Students should access Panopto through a D2L discussion.

    It is recommended to provide students with a link to the Panopto Student Guides within the D2L discussion forum or topic description. Students will use the If the Video is for the Whole Class to See instructions.

Option 2: Students Share Videos Only with the Instructor 

  1. Create a submission folder for the video.

  2. To allow for video file submissions, a submission folder set to the submission type "Text Submission" must be created in D2L. This allows students to embed their video and allows instructors to view and grade submissions without downloading the file.

  3. Provide students with instructions.

  4. Students will need instructions for using with Panopto Capture or downloading the Panopto recorder and uploading their video to their "My Folder".

    It is recommended to provide students with a link to the Panopto Student Guides page. Students will use the If the Video is for Only the Instructor to See instructions.

    News items and assignment descriptions are good places to include the link to instructions.